Inspirational Quotes
"I learned all about life with a ball at my feet."
-- Ronaldinho
We understand things happen in life and sometimes refunds request are needed. We want to make you aware of how to request one, and what happens after.
To request a refund you need to email. …… please include the players name and which division they are registered in.
$$$ Non refundable fee.
Uniform cost will be deducted from the refund, if a refund is requested one week before the season starts or later
No refund will be provided after the child plays in their first game of the season. We will try to refund the money back to the credit card used when registering. This is not always possible. If this is not possible a check will be mailed to the address on file. Refund checks are only mailed out once a month.
Weather and Cancellation of GamesAlways assume the 'game is ON' unless you hear from your coach or until a cancellation is posted on our Facebook, Instagram and/or an email is sent out.
The decision to cancel will try to be made 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. This will be determined by the conditions at the soccer fields. In the event of a severe weather warning, cancellation may be made soon.
We cancel games due to: lightning/thunder, the field is completely under water, or if the city mandates it. We will NOT cancel just because it's raining or snowing.
Please note that game status is subject to change and cancellation updates may not be posted on the website, or Facebook and instagram in time for your game
We many cancel games on some fields and do not need to cancel games on others. We strongly encourage coaches and parents to exchange cell phone numbers. That way if there is a last-minute cancellation information can spread quickly.
We adhere to the UYSA Guidelines on severe weather guidelines. Our first concern when there is presence of lightning is the safety of our players and families. Should lightning be seen or thunder heard, coaches or referees will stop the game or practice. Players, spectators and coaches are advised to immediately clear the field and seek shelter in/or a vehicle.
Games or practice should not resume until 30 minutes have passed from the most recent appearance of lightning or sound of thunder. For example thunder and/or lightning is heard or seen during the 30 min delay that will result in a restart of the the 30 min period. In many cases, the initial delay will result in the termination of the match, because another match is scheduled on the same field after.
We realize that in some situations, it may appear that the danger is remote or has passed. However the full 30 min waiting period still needs to be fulfilled. It is not worth the risk to the safety of the players, volunteers, and spectators.