Inspirational Quotes
"Keep working even when no one is watching."
-- Alex Morgan
We allow children 12 and older to referee. A referee cannot referee a game older then their age division. We are always looking for adults to become referees in our club.
How do I register to be a refereeAll referees must be certified before they are allowed to referee their first game. UNYS is partnered with a referee certification program called IREF. They hold two referee certification courses per season. Two in the spring and two in the fall. Dates will be posted on the website. Upon the completion of the certification course a ref ID and badge is provided and the new trained referee is allowed to begin refereeing games. If you are not able to attend a training course, please talk with the Referee Admin and exceptions will be handled on a case by case scenario.
Do I need to buy my own uniform?UNYS provides a yellow referee uniform shirt, and whistle to certified referees.
How do I get on the schedule?Each week the game referee schedule is posted on the site and referees are able to sign up for games. Reminder that referees are not allowed to center referee a game that a family member is playing in or coaching.
What is the compensation for UNYS referees?U10/U12 Games
$10 - AR
$15 - Center
U14 Games
$18 - AR
$25 - Center
U19 Games
$20 - AR
$35 - Center